
Chapter 168 - Drama Queen

Alyssa nodded, trying to look casual and nonchalant about everything. She didn\'t want them to be suspicious.

"Yeah, I just haven\'t taken a break in a while," she replied.

"You\'re acting weird," Eva said as she cocked an eyebrow at Alyssa. "I don\'t remember the last time that you willingly took a break from working."

"You\'ve been acting weird since that guy showed up," Micah said, not looking all that pleased.

Alyssa realized that he was talking about Elias.

"He\'s a close friend of mine," she said in a defensive tone. She blinked at herself, surprised by her behavior.

She didn\'t like people saying anything bad about Elias. She guessed that she was still protective over him.

Eva\'s eyes widened slightly. She tried to hide a smile, but it still crossed her face.

"Just a friend?" she asked.

Micah narrowed his eyes slightly.

Alyssa shrugged. Her relationship with Elias right now was hard to describe. He was mainly her bodyguard right now, but there were feelings involved.

"He was my college boyfriend. We\'re just talking," she replied. So far, they were just talking. And cuddling. And kissing foreheads.

Maybe they were doing a little more than just talking, but it wasn\'t like they were making out or anything. It was just harmless affection.

"There\'s still a spark, huh?" Eva asked, looking intrigued.

"Maybe," Alyssa said, feeling her face warm up slightly. There was still something crackling between them.

She didn\'t know what would become of that feeling. Maybe nothing. Maybe something.

"Well, he seems kinda pushy," Micah commented as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"And you seem kinda jealous," Eva smirked at him, nudging him in a playful manner.

Alyssa smiled a bit sheepishly. Micah did seem a bit jealous, and she couldn\'t blame him.

He liked her a lot and tried to get closer to her. Then, Elias swooped in and stole her full attention. Elias just had that effect on her.

"Anyway, I\'ll miss you guys. It\'s just two weeks," she told them. She would miss working with them, but two weeks could pass by quickly.

She just had to survive them and hope that her life went back to normal or as normal as possible.

"Have fun," Eva said, shooting Alyssa a wink.

Alyssa cracked a smile, shaking her head. She received a weak smile and nod from Micah before he and Eva walked off.

She watched them go, wondering if things would ever go back to how they used to be.

She had a feeling that they wouldn\'t now that Elias was back in her life. Everything was changing and would continue to change.

She just hoped that it was for the better. She had worked so hard to drag herself out of the pits. She didn\'t want to end back up there.

She walked out of the hospital and back to her car, looking every which way as she moved. She hated having to be so paranoid, but it kept her safe.

Ignorance and carelessness would get her killed, and she didn\'t feel like dying so young. She had a lot of things that she wanted to figure out first.

Alyssa made the drive back to Elias\' loft, which was at the top of a tall building in the depths of the city.

She parked in the private parking garage, locking her car behind her. She didn\'t want anything else of hers broken into or destroyed.

She planned to go back to her apartment soon to clean it up and see what she could salvage, but that would be a chore for another day.

She entered the building and walked to Elias\' door, dragging her feet slightly from exhaustion. She was ready to sit down and maybe watch a movie with Elias.

She knew that he was working from home today, so she didn\'t have to wait for him to get home from work.

She was kind of glad that she could see him immediately. His company was one that she always enjoyed, even if it was deep down.

"I\'m back!" she called once she walked into the loft, shutting the door behind her.

She turned and stopped dead in her tracks, nearly losing her breath at the sight of Elias and Stella sitting together in the living room.


Alyssa hated the feeling of jealousy, and she wished that she could stop feeling it every time that she saw Stella.

There was just something off about Stella to her, and she had a feeling that it had something to do with Stella\'s obvious crush on Elias. She forced a smile on her face as she walked over to them.

Elias stood from the couch, reaching out to hug Alyssa in greeting.

"She came by unannounced," he murmured in her ear before pulling away and motioning for her to sit down on the couch. He sat beside her, while Stella remained in the loveseat.

"Alyssa, how nice to see you again," Stella said with that usual sugary sweet smile of hers that made Alyssa feel uneasy.

"You too," Alyssa said with a faint nod. She wasn\'t going to be rude to Stella or anything, but she wasn\'t going to act overly friendly like what Stella was doing. She had a feeling that it was fake. It had to be. "So, you just swung by?"

Stella nodded as she crossed her legs at her knee, letting the bottom of her green dress slide up her thigh slightly. She smiled in Elias\' direction.

"Just wanted to check in on Elias. I haven\'t heard from him in a minute," she said.

Elias looked awkward as he sat between the two as they peered at him. He was caught in the middle of a tense situation.

"Yeah, I\'ve just been busy with work and stuff," he replied with a casual shrug.

Alyssa was glad that he wasn\'t spilling their business to Stella. She didn\'t want anyone in their business, especially her.

She seemed like the type to pry and spread rumors. She was a drama queen in high school. Guaranteed.

"Such a busy man. Did you know that his company is one of the top tech companies in the Northeast?" Stella asked Alyssa.

Alyssa was worried that if she clenched her jaw any tighter that her teeth would crack. She smiled faintly and nodded.

At least she didn\'t have to act proud.. She was automatically proud of Elias and all that he had made himself to be.

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