
Chapter 786 Strong Line Up

General Qin Mo is a tall and imposing figure with broad shoulders and a muscular build. He has short black hair and a neatly trimmed beard. He usually wears his military uniform, which is adorned with various medals and honors. 

He is a disciplined and strategic thinker, and he approaches every situation with a clear and level head. He is calm and composed under pressure, and he is known for his ability to make quick decisions in difficult situations.

General Qin Mo is a highly skilled military commander and the right-hand man of King Silvestre of the Clover Kingdom. He has served the kingdom for over two decades, and his expertise in strategy and tactics has helped the kingdom win many battles and wars.

Qin Mo was born in a small village on the outskirts of the Clover Kingdom. His parents were farmers, and he spent most of his childhood helping them with their work. However, he had a natural talent for strategy and tactics, which he discovered when he played games with his friends. As he grew older, he became more interested in military strategy and began reading books on the subject.

At the age of 18, Qin Mo joined the Clover Kingdom\'s army as a foot soldier. He quickly rose through the ranks, thanks to his intelligence and leadership skills. He was eventually promoted to the position of general and became a close advisor to King Silvestre. His primary goal is to protect the Clover Kingdom and its people. He is fiercely loyal to King Silvestre and will do whatever it takes to ensure the kingdom\'s safety. He also desires to maintain the kingdom\'s stability and prosperity, and he works tirelessly to achieve this goal.

General Qin Mo has a close and trusting relationship with King Silvestre, who relies heavily on his advice and expertise. He is also respected by the other members of the kingdom\'s royal court and is considered one of the most influential figures in the kingdom.

Qin Mo is married to a woman named Li Mei, who is a respected scholar and advisor to the kingdom\'s education ministry. They have two children, a son and a daughter, both of whom are currently studying at the kingdom\'s military academy. Qin Mo is a devoted husband and father and often makes time to spend with his family despite his busy schedule.

Despite his formidable reputation as a military commander, Qin Mo is also known for his kindness and compassion. He cares deeply about the soldiers under his command and often goes out of his way to ensure their well-being. He is respected and admired by both his allies and his enemies.

eaglesnovɐ1,сoМ General Qin Mo walked ahead of the team, his mind deep in thought. He pondered over why he had chosen Kevin, Hun, Lee, Lance, and David to be part of this mission. Inwardly, he sorted through the strengths and weaknesses of each of them, evaluating their skills and determining how they could best contribute to the task at hand.

As he walked, he silently went over the list of abilities that each of them possessed. Kevin had thousands of experience of fighting monsters and demons. Hun had superhuman strength and was capable of lifting massive boulders or fending off enemies with ease. Lee was an expert in hand-to-hand combat, power of telekinesis which would prove to be extremely useful in moving objects or even people in case of danger and could fight multiple enemies at once. Lance had the power of earth, allowing him to scout from the air and cover more ground quickly. David had the ability to manipulate earth, which would help create barriers or dig tunnels if necessary.

General Qin Mo knew that these knights possessed unique abilities that would aid them in their mission, but he also knew that their cooperation and teamwork would be crucial. He pondered over how they could work together to ensure that the mission was a success.

He knew that this mission was no easy task, but he believed that this team had what it takes to complete it. As he continued his inward monologue, he also thought about the King\'s reasoning for sending them on this mission. He knew that if the Milea Kingdom fell, their own kingdom would be at risk. He also knew that their success would bring honor and glory to the Clover Kingdom, and he was determined to ensure that they would accomplish the task at hand.

General Qin Mo finally snapped out of his thoughts and turned to face the team, his expression solemn but determined. He knew that the fate of their kingdom rested on their shoulders, and he was ready to lead them to victory.


As the Milea Kingdom battled against the demon invasion, they utilized the Sicilian Defense of chess in real life, a strategic move that bought them some time. The army had managed to slow down the demons, but the destruction and chaos they left behind still ravaged the cities of Milea Kingdom.

The roads were no longer safe to travel on, and people were forced to seek refuge in the mountains. Families huddled together, with fear etched on their faces as they waited for news about their loved ones who were still out there, fighting for their lives.

As the days passed, the situation became more dire. The demons were growing stronger, and the Milea Kingdom was beginning to buckle under the pressure. It seemed as if there was no end in sight, and despair began to seep in.

But even in the midst of all the chaos, there were those who refused to give up hope. The king and his army remained resolute, and they continued to fight with all their might, determined to protect their land and people.

Meanwhile, a group of knights from the Clover Kingdom, led by General Qin Mo, had arrived to offer their assistance. They had been sent by their king, who recognized the danger that the demons posed not just to Milea Kingdom but to their own as well.

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