
Chapter 744 The Stunned Crowd


Fein and Voli stepped out of the inn in Kavala, ready to continue their journey. Fein summoned a portal, and they stepped through it, disappearing from the inn and arriving in another country.

Over the course of the next few hours, they would pass through eight different portals, each leading them to a new country. As they travelled, Fein and Voli observed the different cultures and customs of each country they passed through.

The first country they arrived in was the Kingdom of Balthazar, a country known for its love of music and dance. As they passed through the portal, they were greeted by a group of musicians playing lively music, and a group of dancers performing intricate moves. Fein and Voli couldn\'t resist the urge to join in, and soon they were dancing and laughing with the locals.

The second country was the Republic of Luminia, a country known for its advanced technology and innovation. As they passed through the portal, they were greeted by a group of engineers and scientists, eager to show off their latest inventions. Fein and Voli marveled at the advanced technology, but were also slightly intimidated by the seriousness of the scientists.

The third country was the Land of the Giants, a country inhabited entirely by giants. As they passed through the portal, Fein and Voli found themselves dwarfed by the towering giants, who looked down at them with curious expressions. Fein and Voli tried to keep their composure, but couldn\'t help feeling a little intimidated by the giants\' sheer size and strength.

The fourth country was the Island of the Amazons, a matriarchal society ruled by powerful women. As they passed through the portal, Fein and Voli found themselves surrounded by fierce warrior women, all armed and ready for battle. Fein and Voli tried to act tough, but couldn\'t help feeling a little intimidated by the fierce and powerful women.

The fifth country was the Kingdom of the Undead, a country inhabited entirely by zombies, skeletons, and other undead creatures. As they passed through the portal, Fein and Voli found themselves surrounded by hordes of undead creatures, all groaning and shuffling towards them. Fein and Voli tried to act brave, but couldn\'t help feeling a little creeped out by the undead creatures.

The sixth country was the Kingdom of the Mermaids, a country inhabited entirely by mermaids and other sea creatures. As they passed through the portal, Fein and Voli found themselves submerged in water, surrounded by beautiful mermaids and colorful fish. Fein and Voli tried to keep their heads above water, but couldn\'t help feeling a little out of their depth in the underwater world.

The seventh country was the Kingdom of the Fairies, a country inhabited entirely by fairies and other magical creatures. As they passed through the portal, Fein and Voli found themselves surrounded by swirling mists and glowing orbs of light. Fein and Voli tried to keep their wits about them, but couldn\'t help feeling a little disoriented in the fairy realm.

The eighth and final country was the Empire of the Cats, a country inhabited entirely by cats. As they passed through the portal, Fein and Voli found themselves surrounded by fluffy, purring cats of all shapes and sizes. Fein and Voli couldn\'t resist the urge to pet and play with the cats, and soon they were surrounded by a swarm of friendly felines.

After passing through the eight portals, Fein and Voli finally arrived at the border of the central plains, marked by a towering wall that stretched as far as the eye could see. Fein and Voli looked at each other, exhausted but exhilarated by their whirlwind tour of the eight countries.

Fein and Voli approached the giant wall that marked the border of the Central Plains. They could feel the tension in the air as they drew nearer to the gate. Suddenly, they were stopped by a group of guards who informed them of a strange rule.

"In order to pass the border, you must defeat an S-rank saber wielder guarding the gate," the lead guard said with a stern expression.

Fein looked around at the other travelers who were lining up to face the challenge, and he could feel their doubt and skepticism. He knew that they were all thinking the same thing - how could a wooden sword defeat an S-rank?

But Fein was determined to prove them all wrong. He reached for the wooden sword strapped to his back, and the guards looked at him with a mix of disdain and mockery.

"Is this some kind of joke?" one of them snickered.

Fein simply smiled and stepped forward, ready to face the challenge. The guard leading the challenge stepped forward, his saber gleaming in the sunlight.

"Are you sure about this?" he asked Fein.

Fein nodded confidently, and with one swift motion, he swung his wooden sword. The guard\'s eyes widened as he stumbled back, his saber clattering to the ground. The other guards watched in shock as Fein\'s wooden sword split the air with a loud crack, and the entire 300-meter gate was split in two.

Fein turned to face the stunned crowd and raised his wooden sword triumphantly. His face was a mixture of satisfaction and disbelief, and he couldn\'t help but let out a chuckle at the look on the guards\' faces. "Dare to underestimate me? A wooden sword is sharper than real sword in the hands of true master."

Voli couldn\'t help but grin from ear to ear, proud of his master\'s accomplishment. He could see the admiration and awe in the other travelers\' faces, and he knew that they would never doubt Fein\'s abilities again.

The guards were still in shock as Fein and Voli made their way through the newly created opening in the gate. Fein felt a sense of satisfaction as he walked through the border, knowing that he had overcome the challenge and proved his worth.

As they continued on their journey through the Central Plains, Fein couldn\'t help but think back on the challenge at the gate. He knew that he had defied all expectations and accomplished something truly remarkable. The memory brought a smile to his face, and he knew that he would never forget the experience. 

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