
Chapter 724 Perks Of High Position

Fey\'s expression turned to one of concern, "Were the drivers okay?"

Fein shook his head, "Unfortunately, both drivers were killed in the accident. They were thrown from their carriages and suffered fatal injuries."

Fey gasped in shock, "That\'s terrible. What about the passengers? How did they get hurt?"

Fein continued, "The passengers were all thrown from the carriages as well. The three injured passengers were sitting in the first carriage, which took the brunt of the impact. The driver of that carriage had lost control and swerved into the second carriage, causing the collision."

Fey looked saddened by the news, "It\'s tragic that such a terrible accident happened. Is there anything that could have been done to prevent it?"

Fein nodded, "Yes, there are a few things that could have been done differently. Firstly, the drivers should have been more cautious and aware of their surroundings. Secondly, both carriages were traveling too fast for the busy intersection. Thirdly, the passengers should have been wearing seatbelts or some form of restraint to prevent them from being thrown from the carriages."

Fey nodded thoughtfully, "Those are all good points. It\'s important to always be cautious and aware while driving, and to take the necessary precautions to prevent accidents from happening."

Fein agreed, "Exactly. We can\'t control everything that happens on the road, but we can take steps to reduce the risks and protect ourselves and others."


As they drove back home with a carriage, Fey couldn\'t help but reminisce about the past. She remembered when Fein first decided to pursue medicine, how hard he worked to get into medical school, and the countless sleepless nights he spent studying.

"I almost forgot that you were a doctor, Fein," Fey said, breaking the silence in the car.

Fein chuckled, "I know, it\'s been a while since I last practiced medicine. But it\'s always a part of me."

Fey looked at her brother with admiration. She remembered how passionate he was about helping people, and how he always talked about wanting to make a difference in the world.

"Do you remember when you first told me that you wanted to become a doctor?" Fey asked.

Fein smiled, "Of course I do. I was just a teenager, but I knew that I wanted to help people in any way I could. Medicine seemed like the perfect way to do that."

Fey nodded, "I remember how hard you worked to get into medical school. You never gave up, even when it seemed impossible."

Fein\'s expression turned serious, "It wasn\'t easy, but I knew that if I wanted to make a difference, I had to keep pushing myself. And now, after all these years, I still feel the same way. It\'s always been my passion, and it always will be."

Of course, Fein was just bullshitting. It was his predecessor that really wants to become a doctor. Fein saw in his memories that the original host of the body was really such a person. A person that wants to save lives. Of course, Fein has some background that was related to medicine in his past life. Not just as involved and in depth.

Fey smiled, "I\'m so proud of you, Fein. You\'re an incredible doctor."

Fein blushed, "Thanks, Fey. But it\'s not just me, it\'s the entire medical community. We all work together to help people."

As they pulled into the driveway, Fey couldn\'t help but feel grateful for her brother. She knew that he had a tough job, but seeing him in action reminded her why he loved what he did.

"Hey, Fey," Fein said, breaking her out of her thoughts. "Do you want to see some of my old medical textbooks? I still have them in my room."

Fey\'s eyes lit up, "Really? That would be amazing."

Fein smiled, "Come on, let\'s go take a look."

As they walked into Fein\'s room, Fey was amazed at the sheer amount of books and notes he had. It was clear that he had put in a lot of time and effort into his studies.

Fein picked up a textbook and began to explain some of the concepts to Fey in detail. He talked about the different organs and systems in the body, the various diseases and conditions that could affect them, and the treatments that were available.

Fey listened intently, amazed at how much her brother knew. She could see the passion in his eyes as he talked, and it made her realize just how much he loved medicine.


Fein and Fey finally arrived in front of their house after a long day of saving lives. Fein paid the carriage driver two silver coins and thanked him for his services. The driver gave Fein a strange smile before driving away, leaving Fein wondering about it for a moment.

As they walked towards the front door, Fein couldn\'t shake off the eerie feeling he had. He turned to Fey and said, "Did you notice anything off about the carriage driver? He gave me a weird smile."

Fey looked at her brother with concern. "No, I didn\'t notice anything. What do you mean?"

eαglesnᴏνel Fein shrugged. "It was probably nothing. I\'m just tired from today\'s events."

Days passed, and Fein went on with his daily routine. He would go to work and save people\'s lives as a doctor. However, one day, he was summoned by the police for an investigation. The police said that the carriage driver that Fein paid two silver coins to was found dead in an alleyway.

Fein\'s heart dropped as he realized that he was the main suspect. He knew he didn\'t do anything wrong, but the circumstances pointed towards him. When the police arrived to investigate him, they noticed that he was Lord Fein, one of the highest authorities in the South. They hesitated to arrest him, knowing the potential consequences of such an action. They might get scolded by their police chief if they really did that. What\'s more, who can arrest Fein? He was the strongest.

Days turned into weeks, and the investigation continued. Fein couldn\'t believe that he was removed as a suspect when they found out his identity. He was sure that he didn\'t do anything though.. It was then that he remembered the strange smile that the carriage driver had given him. It suddenly clicked in his mind that the driver might have been up to no good.

\'What kind of bastard is that? How unlucky...\' Fein couldn\'t help but curse.

Fein went to the police and told them about the driver\'s weird smile. The police looked at him fearfully, but they decided to investigate it nonetheless. It turned out that the driver had a history of depression and had intended to frame Fein for his suicide. He had made it look like Fein had something to do with his death, but the truth was that Fein was innocent.

Fein breathed a sigh of relief as he learned the truth. He was grateful that the police had finally found out what really happened. He was glad that he could finally move on from this stressful situation.

Fey looked at Fein with a mixture of concern and relief. "I can\'t believe someone would try to frame you like that," she said.

Fein smiled at his sister. "It just goes to show that you can\'t trust everyone. But I\'m just glad that everything worked out in the end."

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