
Chapter 696 Poisoneer

Anthony didn\'t waste any time and charged towards the leader, who drew out his sword. Roger stood by his side, ready to support him.

The leader swung his sword, but Anthony expertly dodged it and threw a vial of poison at him. The leader managed to block it with his sword, but the poison still seeped through the blade and into his skin. He winced in pain and stumbled backward.

"You\'re going to regret that," the leader growled.

Anthony remained unfazed and took out another vial of poison. "I have more where that came from. Surrender now and we\'ll spare your life."

The leader scoffed. "I\'d rather die than surrender to the likes of you."

He charged towards Anthony, but this time, Anthony was ready for him. He threw the vial of poison at the ground, creating a thick smoke that obscured their vision. The leader coughed and stumbled, unable to see.

Anthony took advantage of the situation and kicked the leader in the stomach, sending him flying backward. He then took out a dart and shot it at the leader\'s arm, injecting him with a powerful sedative.

The leader\'s eyes widened in shock as he felt the sedative take effect. He fell to the ground, unconscious.

Anthony turned to Roger and Kassandra. "Let\'s get out of here before anyone else shows up."

They quickly grabbed the biological weapon and made their way out of the building. As they drove away, Anthony couldn\'t help but feel a sense of satisfaction. He had used his battle IQ and unconventional methods to take down their target without any casualties.

"That was a close one," Kassandra said, breaking the silence.

Anthony nodded. "Yeah, but we got what we came for. And we took down the leader without anyone getting hurt."

Roger grinned. "You never cease to amaze me, Anthony. Your poison powers are truly something else."

eaglesnovɐ1,сoМ Anthony chuckled. "I just try to think outside the box. It\'s what makes us successful. You know, I maybe not powerful enough, but I utilizes my poison degu ability efficiently. Just like what Fein always says. If you strive to be become something, be efficient. Though strategies still have limits. We are only fighting B-rank, so we can still win. However, against S-rank, these tricks won\'t be able to do anything."

"I know that. But I\'m not as smart as you or as strong as the other Roger in our organization." Roger sighed.

\'The A-rank Roger, Captain Red?\' Anthony instantly understood. 


Fein sat down on his bed and began to ponder about the situation. He knew that the replica they found was just a cheap imitation of the real thing. However, the fact that it could increase one\'s IQ was still impressive.

He thought about the possibilities of having the real thing in his possession. It would be a game-changer for the Dark Knights. They could easily outsmart their opponents and come up with unconventional tactics that their enemies would not expect.

Fein knew that the effects of the drug would only last for three days, but that was more than enough time to make significant progress in any operation. With the drug in their hands, the Dark Knights could easily take on missions that were once deemed impossible.

However, Fein also knew that obtaining the real thing would not be an easy feat. It was a highly coveted item that many people would go to great lengths to acquire. He needed to be careful and make sure that the Dark Knights did not fall into any traps.

Fein decided that he needed to keep this information to himself for the time being. He didn\'t want to cause a stir in the organization and attract unwanted attention. He would need to devise a plan to obtain the real drug discreetly and without anyone noticing.

He leaned back against his pillow and let out a sigh. This was going to be a challenging task, but Fein was up for the challenge. He closed his eyes and began to think of ways to acquire the drug without putting the Dark Knights in danger.

As he drifted off to sleep, he couldn\'t help but wonder about the possibilities that the drug could bring. With it, he could finally achieve his ultimate goal of creating a better world for everyone.


He couldn\'t help but wonder how the criminals had managed to get their hands on a replica. It was a well-known fact that the original was extremely rare and difficult to create. Fein made a mental note to investigate further and find out if there were any other replicas out there.

As he pondered, Fein\'s mind drifted to the potential uses of the original biological weapon. It could revolutionize education, research, and even medicine. The possibilities were endless, but he knew that it would take careful planning and implementation to avoid any negative consequences.

Fein shook his head to clear his thoughts. He had to focus on the task at hand - finding out more about the replica that Anthony and Roger had retrieved. He got up and headed to his lab, determined to learn more about the substance.

Hours later, Fein emerged from his lab with a serious expression on his face. He called for a meeting with Kassandra, Anthony, and Roger to discuss his findings.

"The substance you retrieved is indeed a replica of the original biological weapon," Fein announced. "But it\'s not nearly as powerful. It can only raise a person\'s IQ by two times, not five."

Kassandra raised an eyebrow. "Two times is still a significant increase," she pointed out.

Fein nodded in agreement. "Yes, it is. And the bad news is that there are severe side effects. However, it\'s still important to be cautious. We don\'t know who else might be after this substance, and we can\'t risk it falling into the wrong hands."

Anthony spoke up. "What do you suggest we do, Fein?"

Fein thought for a moment before responding. "We need to keep the substance secure and study it further. We can\'t let anyone else get their hands on it until we know everything there is to know about it."

The group nodded in agreement, and Fein dismissed them. As they left the room, Fein couldn\'t help but feel a sense of unease. He knew that they had only scratched the surface of what the biological weapon was capable of, and he couldn\'t help but wonder what other secrets it held.

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