
Chapter 609 The Fight Commenced

The first degu user to step forward was a tall, muscular man with piercing blue eyes and jet black hair. His name was Zander, and he was known for his powerful wind-based attacks. Zander had grown up in a small village in the North and had discovered his degu abilities at a young age. He had trained relentlessly to become an S-rank user and had become one of the most respected degu users in the region.

Next to Zander stood a petite woman with bright pink hair and a playful smile. Her name was Luna, and she was known for her lightning-fast attacks and her agility. Luna had grown up in the city and had been orphaned at a young age. She had used her degu abilities to survive on the streets, and had eventually been taken in by a group of degu users who had recognized her potential.

Another degu user, a burly man with a thick beard and piercing green eyes, stepped forward. His name was Thorin, and he was known for his incredible strength and his ability to manipulate earth and stone. Thorin had grown up in a mining town in the North and had discovered his degu abilities while working in the mines. He had honed his skills over the years and had become a powerful force to be reckoned with.

As the degu users approached the devils, they spoke to each other in low voices, their eyes never leaving the invaders. "We can\'t let them get away with this," Zander said, his voice low and angry. "We have to find out what they want and stop them."

"I agree," Luna said, her eyes narrowed. "We can\'t just sit back and let them destroy everything we\'ve worked for."

Thorin nodded in agreement. "We have to protect our people, no matter the cost."

As the degu users confronted the devils, the invaders looked down on them with a look of derision on their faces. They treated the humans like ants, their arrogance palpable. But the degu users stood their ground, determined to protect their people and their way of life.

The degu users knew that the devils were not to be taken lightly. They were powerful and dangerous, and they had already shown that they were willing to destroy anything in their path. But the degu users were not afraid. They had trained for years to become S-rank users, and they knew that they had the power to take on the devils.

The battle between the degu users and the devils would be fierce, but the degu users were determined to come out on top. They had each other, their skills, and their unwavering determination to protect their home. And they would not let anyone, not even the twelve devils, take that away from them.


The air was thick with tension as the twenty-four degu users faced off against the twelve devils. The degu users stood in two lines, shoulder to shoulder, their eyes trained on their opponents with a fierce determination. Each degu user had their weapon of choice at the ready, ranging from swords to bows and arrows.

The degu users didn\'t waste time on small talk. They knew they were facing a formidable enemy and the stakes were high. They had to come up with a strategy that could take down the devils without getting themselves killed.

The degu users held a quick strategy session, huddled together in small groups, discussing the best approach. After a few minutes, they emerged with a plan. They would divide themselves into two groups of twelve and each group would take on one devil. The plan relied on their numerical advantage and their ability to work together.

The first group was led by a tall, muscular degu user named Arin. Arin was known for his strength and agility, which made him the perfect choice to take on one of the devils. His weapon of choice was a longsword, which he wielded with ease. He was flanked by two degu users named Kiera and Landon. Kiera was a petite, but deadly archer, while Landon was a skilled swordsman with lightning-fast reflexes.

The second group was led by a degu user named Thalia, a woman with fiery red hair and piercing green eyes. Thalia was a master of the spear, and her weapon gleamed in the sunlight. She was joined by two degu users named Felix and Nadia. Felix was a tall, broad-shouldered man with a thick beard and a fierce scowl. He was armed with a mace, which he swung with deadly accuracy. Nadia, on the other hand, was a petite woman with a quick wit and an even quicker sword. She was armed with a short sword, which she wielded with a grace that belied her strength.

As the two groups advanced, the devils sneered in derision, thinking that they were no match for the degu users. The devils each chose their opponent, sizing up the degu users with a condescending glance. The air crackled with magic as the devils unleashed their spells, and the degu users quickly sprang into action.

Arin charged forward, his longsword slashing through the air as he attacked the devil in front of him. Kiera took a step back, pulling her bowstring taut as she aimed at the devil\'s head. Landon circled around the devil, his sword flashing in the sun as he sought an opening.

Meanwhile, Thalia and her group engaged their devil with a different approach. They worked together, moving in unison to confuse and distract their opponent. Felix\'s mace struck the devil\'s shield with a resounding clang, while Nadia darted in and out of the devil\'s reach, striking with quick, precise blows.

As the degu users engaged the devils in combat, it became evident that even with the numerical advantage, they were no match for the power and skill of the devils. The devils moved with agility and grace, dodging attacks and retaliating with their own devastating spells.

Terra and Ash tried to coordinate their attacks, but they were having a hard time keeping up with the devils\' speed and cunning. The two devils that they were fighting seemed to be in perfect sync with each other, their movements flowing seamlessly as they fought as a team.

Despite their best efforts, Terra and Ash found themselves on the defensive, desperately trying to avoid the barrage of spells that the devils were throwing their way. Terra\'s body was covered in sweat, her breathing heavy as she struggled to keep up with the devils\' attacks. Ash\'s normally confident expression was replaced with a look of fear and uncertainty.

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