
Chapter 586 Skepticism

The next day, show Fein\'s daily routine. A slice of life. Use show, not tell. Include dialogue and monologue. Make the narration detailed as much as possible.

The sun was already up and the rays of light pierced through the window. Fein slowly opened his eyes and stretched his arms. He got out of bed and headed to the bathroom to freshen up. After brushing his teeth and washing his face, he walked to his closet and picked out his black suit, paired with a white shirt and black tie. He dressed himself quickly, his movements efficient and precise.

Fein headed to the kitchen where his mother, Melissa, was already preparing breakfast. She noticed him and greeted him with a warm smile, "Good morning, Fein. Did you sleep well?"

Fein responded with a nod and a small smile. "Yes, I did. What\'s for breakfast today, mom?"

Melissa replied, "I made your favorite, eggs benedict with bacon and avocado. And of course, a cup of black coffee to start your day."

Fein\'s eyes lit up at the mention of his favorite breakfast. "Wow, thanks mom. That sounds amazing."

He sat down at the table and started eating. The food was delicious, and he savored every bite. While eating, he reviewed his schedule for the day, planning out the tasks he needed to accomplish.

After finishing breakfast, Fein went to his home office to work on some paperwork. He spent several hours reviewing contracts and making notes on possible investments. The work was tedious, but he had to stay focused if he wanted to keep his businesses running smoothly.

Suddenly, his phone rang, interrupting his concentration. He answered it and heard the voice of his best friend, Michael.

"Hey Fein, what\'s up? You free for lunch today?" Michael asked.

Fein paused for a moment, thinking about his schedule. "Actually, I have a lot of work to do today, but I can spare an hour for lunch. Where do you want to meet?"

"How about that new sushi place near the park? I heard they have amazing rolls," Michael suggested.

Fein agreed, "Sure, sounds good. I\'ll see you there at noon."

Fein finished his work and headed to the park where he met Michael. The two friends walked to the sushi restaurant and ordered their food. While waiting for their meal, they caught up with each other, talking about their personal lives and work.

As they ate their sushi, Fein couldn\'t help but admire the artistry and precision in each roll. "These sushi chefs really know what they\'re doing. It\'s amazing how they can create such beautiful and delicious food."

Michael chuckled, "Yeah, I know what you mean. I wish I had that kind of skill in the kitchen."

Fein smiled, "Maybe one day we can take a sushi-making class together."

The conversation continued. Fein mention the sparring to Michael, which the latter agreed. They scheduled in for tomorrow as the night was about to come. The two friends enjoyed their lunch together before heading back to their respective duties.

Fein\'s day continued with business meetings, workouts, and training with Voli. Despite the busy schedule, he felt fulfilled knowing he was making progress towards his goals.

As the day came to an end, Fein headed back home and greeted his sister Fey. They chatted for a while, catching up on their day. Fein then went to his room to unwind and relax before heading to bed, looking forward to another productive day ahead.


Fein and Michael stood in the center of the spacious Underground Base, their eyes locked in a fierce gaze as they prepared for their sparring match. The rest of the Ranger\'s Eye team had gathered around them, eagerly waiting for the battle to begin.

Fein unsheathed his sword and held it confidently, while Michael summoned shadows around him, ready to attack. They both took a step forward and the battle began.

Fein moved swiftly and skillfully, dodging Michael\'s shadow attacks and countering with quick slashes of his sword. Michael tried to create illusions with his shadows, but Fein saw through them and continued to dodge and attack with ease.

Suddenly, Fein dropped his sword and appeared to be disarmed, causing Michael to lower his guard for a split second. Seizing the opportunity, Fein quickly transformed into his half-ghoul form and lunged at Michael, knocking him to the ground.

Michael struggled to get back up, but Fein had already transformed into his half-vampire form, which gave him an incredible boost in strength and speed. Fein grabbed Michael by the collar and lifted him up, his eyes glowing with a red intensity.

"You\'re too predictable, Michael," Fein said with a smirk. "You rely too much on your shadows. You need to learn how to fight without them. And don\'t fall for deceptions."

With a powerful swing of his arm, Fein threw Michael across the room, sending him crashing into a pile of crates. The rest of the Ranger\'s Eye team gasped in amazement at Fein\'s incredible display of power as he easily defeated their captain.

Fein walked over to Michael and offered him a hand to help him up. "Good fight, my friend," Fein said with a smile.

Michael grinned back, rubbing his sore arm. "You\'re too good, Fein. I need to step up my game if I want to stand a chance against you."

As Fein and Michael finished their sparring session, they noticed a group of Rangers from another team staring at them. Fein could feel their curiosity and suspicion in the air.

One of the Rangers stepped forward and asked, "Excuse me, but who are you and why are you sparring with our captain?"

Fein smiled, "My name is Fein, and I\'m a former member of the Ranger\'s Eye. Michael and I have been friends for a long time, and we often train together."

The group of Rangers looked at each other skeptically, clearly unconvinced by Fein\'s explanation. Fein noticed their doubts and decided to put their suspicions to rest.

He unsheathed his sword and said, "If you don\'t believe me, how about a demonstration? I\'ll show you why Michael trusts me as his sparring partner.

Without waiting for a response, Fein dashed forward and launched a flurry of strikes at the nearest Ranger. The Ranger was caught off guard and stumbled backward, narrowly avoiding Fein\'s blade.

Fein chuckled, "Don\'t worry, I wasn\'t aiming to hurt you. But as you can see, Michael and I have been training together for a long time, and I\'ve learned a few tricks from him. If I attacked you for real, you\'re already dead on the ground."

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