
Chapter 581 Twelve Devils

As the conversation continued, Fein opened his presents, including a book on advanced degu application from Fey, a set of new lab equipment from Voli, and a personalized birthday cake from Michael and Brick Norty.

Fein was impressed with the cake and asked, "How did you come up with the idea for this?"

Michael grinned. "We thought, what\'s better than a cake? A cake that turns into a fire-breathing dragon, of course!"

Brick Norty added, "And we gave our best ability to make sure it looked just like you, Fein."

Fein was touched by the effort they put into the gift. "Thank you, guys. This is amazing."

They play board games and card games, joking and teasing each other as they compete for victory. Despite the playful banter, there is a sense of closeness and camaraderie that fills the room, a feeling of belonging that only comes from true friendship.

As the night draws to a close, the group begins to pack up and head out, but Fein stops them and gives each of them a heartfelt thank you. He tells them that they are not just his colleagues, but his friends, and that he feels lucky to have them in his life.

The group shares a final hug and says their goodbyes, leaving Fein alone with his thoughts and his new book. He smiles to himself, feeling grateful for the wonderful birthday celebration and the friendship that he has found in Michael, Brick Norty, Fey, and Voli.


Fein sat on his bed, looking at the balloons and the banner that read "Happy Birthday Fein!". He couldn\'t help but feel overwhelmed by the surprise party that his friends had thrown for him. It had been a long time since he had celebrated his birthday, and he had almost forgotten what it felt like.

As he reflected on the day\'s events, memories of his past birthdays on Earth flooded his mind. He remembered how he used to spend his birthdays alone, either working or studying. He would receive gifts from his parents and siblings, but he never really had anyone to celebrate with.

But this birthday was different. He had friends who cared enough to plan a surprise party for him. He felt grateful for their thoughtfulness and generosity. Fein closed his eyes and took a deep breath, feeling a sense of contentment that he hadn\'t felt in a long time.

He thought about his new life on this strange world and how different it was from his old one. He had left his old life behind, but he didn\'t regret it. He was happy with his new friends and his new purpose.

Fein opened his eyes and smiled at the thought of his friends. He couldn\'t thank them enough for making his day special. He promised himself to be more open and appreciative of their presence in his life.

"Thank you, my friends," he whispered to himself. "I couldn\'t have asked for a better birthday."


Fein woke up feeling refreshed and energized. He stretched his arms and legs and took a deep breath. He looked around his room and noticed the decorations from the previous night\'s surprise birthday party. A smile formed on his face as he remembered the fun they had.

Fein got out of bed and walked over to his window. He looked outside and saw the sun shining bright in the sky. It was a beautiful day, and he felt grateful for another day to live and enjoy life. He thought about the news he had heard about the North being attacked by demons, but he pushed it aside for the moment.

Fein decided to take a quick shower and get dressed for the day. As he was getting ready, he heard a knock on his door. He walked over and opened it to see his sister Fey standing there with a smile on her face.

"Good morning, Fein! How did you sleep?" she asked.

"I slept well, thanks. What\'s up?" Fein replied.

Fey walked into the room and sat down on his bed. "I just wanted to check on you and see how you\'re feeling after last night. It was great to see you having fun and letting loose a little."

Fein smiled. "Yeah, it was nice to celebrate with everyone. I\'m feeling good today, though. Ready to take on whatever comes my way."

Fey nodded. "That\'s the spirit! Speaking of which, have you heard about the news from the North? I heard it\'s pretty serious."


Fein listened to the news about the perilous state of the North and the attack by the S rank demons with little emotion. He was not particularly affected by the news, as the North was not under the jurisdiction of the Ranger\'s Eye, and Fein tended to prioritize his own interests over others.

"Well, twelve devils were currently causing chaos their right? Twelve devils, which means twelve S rank demons." Fein looked at Michael. "We just came back from there. We even fought an SS rank soul type degu user. I don\'t know why these twelve devils suddenly came out of nowhere to cause chaos after we left."

Michael, noticing Fein\'s lack of reaction, explained the situation more in-depth, emphasizing the severity of the situation and the potential impact on the rest of the world if the demons were not stopped. However, Fein remained detached and uninterested in involving himself or the Ranger\'s Eye in the conflict.

Brick Norty, on the other hand, was intrigued by the news and began to discuss the possible scientific explanations for the demons\' sudden appearance and behavior. Voli chimed in, offering his insight as a beast with knowledge of elemental powers and their potential interactions with magical energies.

Despite their differing perspectives, the group continued their discussion, with each member offering their own unique insight and opinions on the situation.

Fein assured his group that the North has its own council and powerful degu users who can handle the situation. He added that the Northern Council is made up of skilled and experienced warriors who have faced similar threats before. Fein also mentioned that he knew some of the degu users in the council, and they were some of the strongest and most skilled fighters he had ever met.

Sofia expressed her concern for the people of the North, but Fein reminded her that they had their own ways of dealing with things. Michael nodded in agreement, and added that they needed to focus on their own duties in the South.

Fein then suggested that they could help in their own way by keeping an eye out for any suspicious activity in the South, as there could be a possibility that the devils could try to expand their reach. The group agreed with this idea, and they each went on their way, ready to do their part in keeping the peace in their own region.

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