
Chapter 121

If the elders agreed and helped the emperor with the conquest, they would have been rewarded just like everyone else.

Lucius the First was deeply in love with Poliana. Despite his personal feelings, the emperor was being fair and only rewarded her of what she deserved. The emperor glared at the elders. It wasn’t like they received nothing. For example, Sir Bentier was richly rewarded, which meant that Marquis Seeze was rewarded as well. Lucius the First hated how the elders acted so childishly as if they were victims.

‘I can see how they are going to go crazy when I begin reorganizing the noble titles and ranks.’

This was next on the emperor’s agenda. Lucius the First was successful in reorganizing and repurposing the Acreian military. He also began the same process for the aristocrats, but he was only half done.

The only lands the Acreian royalty had an absolute control over were the new colonies the emperor conquered. The Acreia itself was not something Lucius the First could command, this was the same for the Acreian aristocratic system.

There were five levels in the Acreian noble structure.

Duke, marquis, count, viscount, and baron.

Unlike in the southern and mid-continent colonies, which had clearer cut and sensible systems, the amount of power and influence were not accurately proportional to their ranks in Acreia. In addition, Lucius the First was able to order around any of the nobles, old or newly appointed, in the colonies, but not his own in his capital.

The emperor now had many more nobles to maintain and deal with. To make his job simpler, and also to strengthen his authority, Lucius the First planned to clarify the definition of each rank, just like in an army. The emperor also wanted a law that allowed him to promote or demote any noble’s rank based on their behaviors. This rule was already in place in the colonies, but the problem in Nanaba was whether the elders would accept it or not.

Lucius the First suspected that the young aristocrats would be all for this new idea since they would get a chance to become promoted. But the elders, who had nowhere to go but down…. They were going to be against it.

‘I’m getting a headache.’

But he couldn’t show any weakness in front of his enemies. Lucius the First flashed them a kind smile instead as if he had no worries.


Whenever the emperor was burdened with new concerns, it seemed that Poliana also was faced with new challenges. When she returned to her position, there was so much work for her. She couldn’t believe the amount of work left for her to do, so she grabbed Sir Wook and asked, “Did you not do any of these works when I was away?”

“No way! Sir Poliana, I worked very hard with Sir Jainno to do as much as possible.”

“Then how come there is so much left to do?”

Their first priority was the expansion of the royal guards and the strengthening of the castle’s defense. Because the emperor planned on moving the capital city, he ordered for the expansion to take place after they made the move, but everyone thought it would be prudent to at least have selected the list of potential candidates as soon as possible. The problem was that… there were too many applicants.

The royal guards who followed the emperor on his conquest and the royal guards who stayed behind were combined together. This meant that Poliana now had twice as many men and ten times the work compared to before. She was glad that the emperor suggested the detailed organization should take place after they had moved because if he hadn’t, she would’ve had even more work to do.

She was already swamped, and Poliana realized that she needed another assistant to help her. She felt confused at the amount of work she faced.

‘This is so strange… An aristocrat usually doesn’t work this hard, yet why am I slaving away like this?’

What troubled Lucius the First was the fact that Poliana chose to live in the castle. She decided to stay in the royal guard’s quarters. She could purchase a house in the capital, but it was going to be an unnecessary waste of money. The houses in the capital were very expensive. Besides, when they move the capital, she would have to move anyway. Plus, it was better to use her extra money on charities so that her reputation would improve.


“Oh, who do we have here?! Marquess Winter!”

Sir Howe saw Poliana, who was on her way to her room and greeted her loudly with a grin. Poliana replied, “Hmm! It hasn’t been officially decided yet that I will become a marquess, so hush!”

Because Lucius the First was trying to reorganize the aristocratic ranking system, Poliana and many others still haven’t officially received their new titles. The fact that the emperor was trying to emphasize the five-level scheme meant that the title of marquess was a very generous reward. Poliana laughed quietly and added, “As the heir of Count Ribo, you should be careful of what you say!”

There was a rumor that Sir Baufallo was going to become a count. The count was lower than marquess, which meant that Poliana was going to have a higher rank than Sir Baufallo. This wasn’t because of Sir Baufallo’s achievement during the war was smaller than Poliana’s. It was because their starting point was different. Poliana was already an Aehasian noble, and Lucius the First accounted for this fact and ended up awarding her with a much greater title.

The Ribo family could’ve felt offended, but Sir Howe wasn’t upset. He was a quick thinker.

‘I just have to make some notable achievements, and then, I will be promoted to a marquis too.’

If the emperor had the power to promote or demote the noble’s ranks, his men were going to work harder to please him. This was going to work perfectly for Lucius the First.

Sir Howe asked Poliana, “Did you hear what they decided regarding women with their own noble titles? If you don’t get married soon, your title will disappear after you’re gone, Marquess Winter. It won’t be inherited to anyone.”

“It’s fine. I’m not going to get married.”


Poliana didn’t feel possessive of her new title and lands, but… She did feel disappointed that her last name given by the emperor would be gone with her.

Lucius the First gave her the name of “Winter” to remember the day when she became his knightess.


Poliana suggested to Sir Howe, “If you think your second or third child has great potential, then maybe you can consider giving one to me to be adopted.”

“Oh, that sounds really tempting.”

When Sir Howe seemed interested, Poliana warned him, “I don’t want a mediocre child. I better tell everyone I know about this idea and make the same offer. That way, I will have a good chance of adopting the best child possible.”

If she could adopt a child and not just any child, then she could inherit her name as well as her title and lands. Sir Howe nodded in agreement, “Of course. It makes sense. And a kid needs to work for things like that. If things are given to them, children would grow up selfish and entitled.”

“My last name was given personally to me by the emperor himself, which means I can’t give it to just anybody. It would have to be a child who has decent looks, good personality, and excellent talent. The child would also have to come from a good family.”

“Oh, that means Donau’s and my children would be perfect for you!”

They chatted amicably. Then, Sir Howe said to Poliana, “By the way, I am planning on quitting the knight’s order.”

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