
Chapter 119

The middle and southern regions were stable for now, but there was going to be a very high risk of rebellions from the colonies for a while. In addition, there was always an unspoken concern that the viceroys could cause rebellions with their own soldiers once they became established in their new colonies. Therefore, to be appointed as viceroy to these places meant a great honor because it meant that the emperor trusted him.

Poliana was impressed. This confirmed her belief that Sir Rabi was indeed a truly powerful and influential man. Poliana also felt disappointed and sad. Both the Bika and Ribo families were going to be gone, which meant she had to say goodbye to her closest friends too.

Sir Rabi told her that he was proud to have been her superior. Poliana replied that she felt the same way that she was proud to have called him her superior.

Poliana thought to herself, ‘I guess everyone is leaving.’

Some of her guards also came to say goodbye to her. Many were going back to their own hometown or leaving Acreia altogether to move down south, these were men that she considered her own.

Indeed, everyone was leaving to live their new lives.

Poliana asked Sir Rabi, “Do you know what the other knights are planning to do?”

“I think Sir Bentier plans to stay in the capital.”

“Oh, Sir Bentier, is that so?”

Keep your friend close, but keep your enemies even closer.

Even though Sir Bentier claimed that he chose the emperor over his own family, Marquis Seeze certainly wasn’t on Lucius the First’s side. So, if Sir Bentier chose to stay in the main Acreian military, what position would be given to him?

Poliana didn’t think he would be assigned to the royal guard’s division or the defense unit.

Perhaps he would become the new military secretary, but that was too big of a promotion even for Sir Bentier.

There were still so many uncertainties here, but at least Poliana now knew Sir Rabi’s plan and intentions. High ranking aristocrats would not send their sons to the south. If Vanessa and Vaxi married one of these men, they would have to stay in the capital while their parents move down to the southern region. The Ribo family served the royals for three generations, including Sir Howe, and compared to the other older and more powerful families, this was considered a very short service. Sir Baufallo was beginning to be recognized by the former emperor, and if the former emperor didn’t die so young, Sir Baufallo could’ve become a very influential figure in their kingdom.

Thankfully, he was given another chance by Lucius the First, and Sir Howe and Donau took their own chances in following the emperor to this war. They made the right choice, and they were going to be rewarded, but still, the fact that their family was not a high-ranking noble remained the same.

Sir Baufallo was going to be given a new title, there was no doubt about that, but it certainly won’t compare to that of Sir Rabi. This meant that following Sir Rabi down south was going to be the best bet for Sir Baufallo and his family to achieve the best status they could ever dream of. To be in-laws with the viceroy was going to be a great honor indeed. Based on how Sir Howe acted, it seemed that the marriage plan was pretty much a done deal by now.

Sir Rabi’s love for his daughters was what made this arrangement possible.

Poliana said to him, “Congratulations. When will you be moving?”

“As you know, his highness likes to carry out his plan quickly and efficiently, so I am going to guess it’s going to be very soon. I wanted the wedding to take place in Nanaba if possible, but I don’t think it will happen.”

“That’s too bad. I would’ve loved to attend it.”

“I know. You would’ve been one of my most honored guests. As the head of the royal guards, I doubt you will be able to leave his highness’s side to attend my girls’ weddings in the south… But if you can somehow, please come, I would be honored to receive you.”

“Of course, I will try my best.”

They grinned at each other.


It was a very long vacation, but finally, it happened. Poliana was officially invited to the upcoming royal banquet at the castle by Lucius the First. She received the message from the messenger even before an official invitation arrived. As soon as she found out, Poliana began to get her uniform ready.


Her new uniform, which was made very recently for the march, felt too tight.

‘I gained weight.’

She had been exercising daily, but this was definitely not like the war times. She slept on her feather bed every night and her meals were amazing and fattening.

The biggest problem was that she was too relaxed now. She regretted her laziness and decided to get back to her old routine.

Until the day of the banquet, Poliana worked out like a madwoman. Lady Bika worried that she was becoming too thin, and Poliana explained that getting fat was not an option for a royal guard.

On the day of the banquet, Poliana was able to get into her uniform, which now fitted her perfectly. When she wore her sword on her side, Vaxi and Vanessa’s eyes filled with awe.

“You look so amazing!”

“You’re very handsome!”

“We are falling in love with you, Sir Poliana!”

Poliana chuckled and replied, “Haha, don’t flatter me too much!”

Poliana was used to being adored by the noble ladies. She was a rarity, and the women loved it.

Vanessa and Vaxi had to get ready as well, so they returned to their rooms. Poliana left the house on her own first.

Since she was their guest, Poliana could attend the banquet with the Bika family, but she chose to attend on her own. As she rode her horse towards the castle, Poliana could feel everyone’s eyes on her. People easily recognized the stiff blue uniform with the gold stripe draped on her body.

The head of the royal guards…


At first, the people assumed that the person in the uniform was a man, but when they realized her gender, they gasped in shock. It was a well-known fact that the head of the royal guards was the infamous knightess, but hearing about it and actually witnessing it were completely different. The citizens of Nanaba stared at her, but Poliana ignored them and rode up to the castle gate. When the confused gatekeepers asked her to identify herself, Poliana announced proudly, “I am the head of the royal guard division, Poliana Winter. Open the gate at once.”

She made a point of not getting off the horse, which was one of the many special privileges she possessed. The gatekeepers opened the door clumsily, and when Poliana entered, the guards and the soldiers who recognized her saluted her.

“Sir Poliana, you finally came!”

“Have you enjoyed your vacation, Sir Pol?!”

“Sir Poliana, please come this way.”

The servant, who had been waiting for her, escorted her into the banquet. While on her way, she saw Donau and her other guards, who saluted her respectfully.

And when she finally entered the feast hall… Everyone’s eyes turned towards her.

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